Paris Catacomb tickets sold out

Paris Catacomb Tickets Sold Out? Exclusive Tips to Get Last-Minute

Did you forget to book your Paris Catacombs tickets? Are all the Paris Catacomb tickets sold out now? Such an unfortunate event, isn’t it? What are you going to do now?

I have come up with solutions to all of your problems. From understanding the Catacombs tickets to safety tips, I’ve got you covered. The Catacombs of Paris are waiting to make you shiver with their dark history. So, find everything you need to know with an immediate solution.

At the end of this article, you will discover more secrets about the haunted catacombs of Paris. Let’s jump into the article.

Key Highlights

  • Purchase tickets in advance
  • Use the official website or Tours Travel Finder for the best options
  • Check for last-minute tickets
  • Consider guided tours for a more in-depth experience
  • Explore alternative ways to visit the Catacombs
  • Enjoy the Catacombs without a pre-booked ticket

Do the Paris Catacombs sell out?

The catacombs in Paris are famous for the catacombs of Paris scary stories. And people every day buy tickets for the trip to learn the secrets of Paris Catacombs. Due to their popularity, the tickets are sold out most of the time.

The dark origin of Paris is hidden beneath the bright streets of Paris. However, as more people want to go on a tour of the Catacombs, the tickets are hard to get. On the official website as well as other websites, the tickets are shown as stocked out.

Understanding the Demand for Catacomb Tickets

The Catacombs in Paris fact, always attract visitors. And each year, millions of people visit the Paris Catacombs. However, to prevent people from destroying history, tickets are a must. Or else the place will be a disaster.

The tickets allow a relaxing and tension-free catacombs tour. However, you won’t get access to the Catacombs without the tickets. So, make sure to book your tickets in advance.

Navigating Last-Minute Catacomb Ticket Purchases

Do you want to know more about the Paris Catacombs restricted area? So, navigate your last-minute Catacomb ticket purchases right now.

  • The last-minute tickets can vary depending on the type of ticket. So, secure your tickets as early as possible.
  • Check out their official Catacombs website for last minute ticket availability. But here, you need to book the tickets one week in advance. Keep in mind that catacombs are often sold out.
  • Search for trustworthy third-party resellers if the tickets are sold out on the official website. 
  • You can visit the local tourist information centers for more information about the tickets.
  • Pick the timeslot for your visit carefully. Look for off-season bookings to avoid crowds.
  • Consider booking the group tours. It may reserve tickets in advance.

Tips for Monitoring Ticket Availability

To get tickets in time, you need to monitor their availability. Here’s what you can do,

  • Check out their official site for updated information on tickets for the Paris Catacombs.
  • Follow their official social media account. Most of the time, they post on social media about the changes in the tickets to the Catacombs.
  • Regularly check the other online reseller sites for tours and tickets.
  • Consider selecting a different time and date for a second option.
  • Talk to the customer service of any tourist group or site for more information on the tickets for the catacombs.

Last-minute tickets (how to find tickets if it’s sold out)

The last minute tickets are designed to help you when the tickets are sold out. The Catacombs of Paris are one of the most popular tourist spots in Paris. So, the tickets sold out fast.

If the tickets are sold out, then other third-party websites allow you to book on-the-spot tickets. You can book the tickets on the day of your trip. There are a variety of tickets with different price ranges. 

However, you must keep an eye on the travel groups for more tickets information. Also, groups like Tours Travel Finder provide last minute special access tickets.

Exploring Alternative Ways to Visit the Catacombs

Here are a few ticket variations for exploring alternative ways to visit the catacombs,

On-site tickets

The on-site tickets are for those who live in the neighbourhood. You might have to wait in a long line of visitors to get the tickets. However, the ticket prices start at €29, and for children between 5 and 10, the tickets are €10.

And those 5 years of age or younger will get free entry. But if you choose audio guided tour, then it might cost €5. And it will cost you €23 for students. 

Group tickets

Another alternative way to visit the Catacombs is with group tickets. Many websites offer group tickets. See the Catacombs with a guided group tour. The official website also offers group walking tours at a reasonable price.

The price will be €30 for each person. The price may vary depending on the variety of tickets. 

Audio Guided tickets

The audio-guided tickets are the best way to visit the eerie place. You will get the tickets online from the official website or other websites. The price ranges from €40 to €60.

Tips: First, see the official Paris Catacombs website to find the tickets. But if they are sold out there, then look for other websites. Check out the Paris catacombs tickets and audio guide, as well as the Paris catacombs audio-guided tickets. These tickets will give you a special discount and access to other facilities.

Guided tickets

The Catacombes de Paris is most experienced with the guided tour tickets. The timed tickets are priced from €45 to €85. However, the sites sometimes give discounts and many noticeable offers.

Tips: Visit the Paris catacombs access tickets with the host and book the guided tickets for your trip. You can also check out the Paris Catacombs tickets and the Paris Catacombs reserved access tour.

Combo tickets

The combo tickets might be a little pricey, but it will be the best experience of your life. This ticket package allows you to visit the tunnels while enjoying another attraction at the same time.

Note: Check out the Paris Catacombs Seine River Cruise Combo tickets and book your tickets. The tickets will allow you to have fun on the cruise and enjoy the eerie Ossuary at the same time.

Skip the line tickets

This package gives you the facilities to avoid the long line. There will be a long line if you decide to get the on-site tickets. These tickets will save you from the hassle.

Tips: If you want a refund, then check out the Paris Catacombs skip-the-line tickets. You can also check out the site Tours Travel Finder or GetYourGuide for more options.

Last-minute tickets

The last minute tickets are the best type of ticket and are very useful. If you forgot to book the tickets, then these tickets can be bought at the last moment.

Pro Tips: You can check the Catacombs official site for last minute tickets. But as far as I know, they don’t have that. And they need an advance booking. So, you can visit the Paris Catacombs last minute tickets and forget about the advance booking.

The Secret to Scoring Last-Minute Catacomb Entries

Are you still wondering how to buy tickets for Paris Catacombs? Then here’s the secret to scoring last minute entries,

  • First things first, check the Catacomb official page, you may find tickets available there. Unfortunately, most of the time, they are all out of stock.
  • So, keep an eye on their travel groups and social media accounts for any updates.
  • Try to select a different time slot as a second option.
  • Many online resellers might be able to help you book your last minute tickets.
  • You can also get the tickets in person from the on-site ticket counter. But you will have to wait in the long line of visitors.
  • Find websites like Tours Travel Finder to get discounts.

Insider Guide to Enjoying the Catacombs Without a Pre-booked Ticket

Here’s a little gift for you. Get an insider guide and enjoy the practical information for your trip without pre-booking.

  • If you want to get the official guided tour, then you will get many types of tour packages.
  • Follow the social media pages of tourist groups and find out about new updates on tickets.
  • If you need a guided tour that includes entry tickets, then make sure the guide can speak English or French. Most of the tickets are available in French. So, go for the bi-lingual ones.
  • The last minute tickets can be bought on your visiting day. So, don’t panic if you forget to pre-book the tickets.

Maximizing Your Catacombs Experience

Are you looking for tips to maximize your experience? Then here are some tips from my experience in the Paris Catacombs.

  • The Paris Catacombs are not wheelchair accessible, so book after knowing all the information.
  • Many websites give you free cancellation offers, so find these types of sites for purchasing tickets.
  • The Catacombs are home to 6 million Parisians. It is made with all the human remains, including their skulls.
  • Without full mobility, security will not allow you to go inside. So, choose the destination that suits you.
  • Get last minute tickets from online sites and say goodbye to all the tension and hassles.

Things to know about the Catacombs of Parsis

Check out these things before going to the dark valley of Paris,

How early should you book the tickets?

You should book your tickets at least 2 weeks earlier before going to the Catacombs of Paris. It will ensure you a hassle-free tour. The official Catacombs site needs a 60-day advance booking. Or else the tickets will be unavailable.

The best time to visit the Catacombes

Early in the morning is the best time to visit the Catacombs. You will get more time to wander around and witness the place with fewer crowds. Also, the afternoon, around 5 p.m., is a good time if you want to avoid the crowd.

What should I bring to the Paris Catacombs?

Visitors are allowed to visit the 1.5-kilometer circuit, which is 280 kilometers long. So, bring comfortable shoes with you. You can also bring a water bottle and a camera. But tripods are not allowed inside.

You should also bring your passport or ID for security checkups. Wine or alcohol inside the catacombs is forbidden. And if you have claustrophobia, please avoid this tour.

How to get there?

The Denfert-Rochereau metro station is the closest route to the Paris Catacombs. So take public transport to reach the destination. The main and most popular entrance is located in the Montparnasse district.

So, you can visit the Montparnasse Tower and the Montparnasse cemetery there. In the neighborhood, you will witness the Orsay Museum. Visit if you have time.

Navigating the Catacombs: Safety and Etiquette Tips

To ensure your complete safety, here are some expert tips for you,

  • The catacombs are a dark place. So, take your flashlight with you.
  • Don’t forget to take a comfortable pair of shoes with you.
  • There are security guards all around the place, so if you face any problems, then talk to them.
  • Do not touch the skeletons, and do not take anything from there. It is illegal if you are caught.
  • According to the Paris Forum 2024, you should not enter from any entrance that is not allowed for public use. So maintain the rules, and you will have a great trip.

A short overview of the Paris Catacombs’ history

A short overview of the Paris Catacombs' history

Have you ever wondered why were the Paris Catacombs built? And how many bodies are in the Paris Catacombs? This is why the history of this place is more interesting than that of other places.

The chilling stories of the Paris Catacombs began back in the 18th century. Paris was growing with its population. But the overpopulation caused many problems. Health issues are one of them.

When the cemeteries reached their limit, the neighborhood started getting polluted. And people were falling sick. The authorities soon came up with the idea of transferring the bodies into the ossuary. 

It took 12 years to relocate 6 million bones of the dead Parisian. But how big are the Paris catacombs so that they all fit there? The tunnels are almost 300-kilometers. But only a small portion of the Catacombs is accessible to the public.


Paris is not just about charming cafés and luxurious boutiques. The Catacombs of Paris are beaming with the most bone-chilling stories. So, if you want to have the best trip, then visit the Catacombs in Paris. 

This article has all the information that might be helpful for you. You will find every piece of information, from the types of tickets to how to book last-minute tickets. I hope you now know what to do if the Paris Catacomb tickets are sold out.

Do you think that this article was helpful? If yes, then please leave a comment below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you go to the Catacombs without a reservation?

You should always remember to book tickets. Because without tickets, you won’t be able to enter the Catacombs.

How long do you have to wait for Paris catacombs?

It might take 3 hours during peak season. But during the public holidays, it will take a minimum of an hour.

Are Catacomb Tours worth it?

Indeed, if you are passionate about history, then you must visit the Catacombs of Paris. Especially if the history is eerie and dark, then the Catacomb tours are worth it.

Is it illegal to explore the Catacombs of Paris?

It is not illegal to explore the Catacombs of Paris. However, accessing certain parts is illegal.

The catacombs sold out immediately. Is it possible to buy on-site, just like the Eiffel Tower?

The tickets on the official Catacombs site sell out pretty soon. And you need to book the tickets one or two weeks earlier. However, you may find on-site tickets, but you will have to wait in line for hours. So, it’s advisable to look at the other online sites.

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